Lycoming O-320-D2J Engine Options for
Cessna C-172
The Penn Yan Aero overhaul process is the result of over 70 years of experience overhauling thousands of Lycoming and thousands of Continental engines installed in all kinds of airframes flying in all kinds of environments around the world.
The Penn Yan Aero proprietary overhaul process is FAA Approved and incorporates dozens of unique techniques that result in a smoother-running, longer-lasting engine that helps make flying safer and lowers operational costs. Fleet Operators and FBOs repeatedly specify Penn Yan Aero overhauls because they provide the best value.
Penn Yan Aero Overhauled O-320-E2D Includes
Logistics management and round-trip shipping within the Contiguous US
Minimum build spec: Lycoming's new engine fits and tolerances
New camshaft and lifters (flat tappet engines)
New or overhauled camshaft and new roller tappets (roller engines)
New Weight-matched pistons, rings, and wrist pins
Weight-matched connecting rods
Crankshaft and rotating assembly, dynamically spin-balanced
New bearings and bushings
New seals, bushings, and gaskets
New ignition harness
New spark plugs
New or overhauled and certified magnetos
New oil filter
New or overhauled and certified oil pump
Overhauled and certified fuel injection system
New or overhauled and certified fuel pump - if on engine / as required
New miscellaneous nuts, washers, bushings, and springs
Current and compliant with all FAA Airworthiness Directives and Manufacturer's Service Bulletins and Letters
Rigorously tested for a minimum of 90 minutes, through engine's full range of load and RPMs, including a 30 minute full power run and post-run inspections
Penn Yan Aero's industry-leading, transferable warranty, supported worldwide
Diagnostic and technical service through installation and start-up